autosave i color

autosave i color

Innleggav filmnongrata » fre 08.08.2008 20:37

noen som vet hvor jeg finner disse?

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Re: autosave i color

Innleggav Roger Berntsen » fre 08.08.2008 21:11


Color-preferences. Setup tab viser auto-save helt til høyre midt på.
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Re: autosave i color

Innleggav filmnongrata » søn 10.08.2008 17:45

jo, den har jeg funnet, men hvor legger autosaven seg på hd?

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Re: autosave i color

Innleggav thomasb » søn 10.08.2008 18:01

Autosave i Color er ikke slik som Autosave i Final Cut. Det eneste Autosave i Color gjør er å lagre prosjektet ditt etter intervallen du selv har bestemt. Når du trykker eple+s eller velger File > Save, lagres derimot en ekstra kopi av prosjektet ditt, som blir komprimert og lagret i en mappe som heter Archives som ligger inni .colorproj-filen. Du kan ellers velge File > Save Archive As, dersom du vil gi filen et spesielt navn.

Senere kan du velge File > Open Archive, for å hente frem gamle prosjekter. Vær obs. på at prosjektet da blir overskrevet med det du henter frem fra arkivet. Ctrl-klikk eller høyreklikk på prosjektfilen din, og velg "Vis innholdet i pakken", for å finne Archives-mappen i Finder.

Apple Color User Manual skrev:Automatic Saving
The Color automatic saving mechanism, when turned on, saves the current project at an interval set by the Auto Save Time (Minutes) parameter in the User Prefs tab of the Setup room. When a project is automatically saved, no archive is created. This prevents your archive list from being inundated with entries. By default, automatic saving is turned on, with the interval set to 5 minutes.
Auto Saving saves only the current project. It does not create an archived copy of the project. For more information about creating and recalling archives, see “Saving Projects and Archives” on page 72.

Saving and Opening Archives
An archive is a compressed duplicate of the project that’s stored within the project bundle itself. For efficiency, the archive file lacks the thumbnail and Still Store image files that the full version of the project has, saving only the state of the internal project file, Timeline, shot settings, grades, corrections, keyframes, and pan and scan settings, which are easily compressed and occupy little space.

Whenever you manually save your project, an archive is automatically created, named with the date and time at which it was saved. If you want to save an archive of your project at a particular state with a more easily identifiable name, you can use the Save Archive As command.

Opening an archive overwrites the current state of the project with that of the archive.

Disse arkivene blir lagret inni Color-prosjektfilen (.colorproj/Archives)
Apple Color User Manual skrev:Archives directory: Contains all the saved archives of that project. Each archive is compressed using both .tar and .gzip compression (a “tarball”) and is identified with the .tgz extension.

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